Huwebes, Mayo 16, 2013

Inter-Departmental Coordinating Council The IDCC i...


IDCC logo (all rights reserved 2010)The IDCC is the coordinating body of the studentry. It provides the students the opportunity to learn the values of democratic living in the college. The IDCC acts to coordinate all the students activities in order to foster a closer Christian brotherhood among the students and other sectors of society, and instill national consciousness for the develomnent of the Filipino peole.
The IDCC shall embody and uphold the vision, mission, goals of the college towards insuring a well-rounded intellectual, spiritual, socio cultural and physical well-being of the students to the fullest in order to realize a just and humane existence for all.

*The new IDCC logo above is formal and simple.The seven dots in the center represent the seven colleges. St. Columban on the left reminds the IDCC and all student organizations of his motto "We are Christ's not our own."  The torch and book signifies the academic excellence of Columbanites in all its programs/courses. The dots representing the colleges is in the center bounded by St. Columban and the torch and book to signify balance between servant-leadership and academic excellence among the students for which IDCC represents.

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