Huwebes, Mayo 16, 2013


The out-reach program of the college was provided by the different organizations (i.e., H.S. Builders, Boy Scouts, CAT and ROTC Units, organizations of the College Students) prior to the establishment of the CESO. They have various activities ranging from distributing relief goods, adopting street children during Christmas Season, training in health and sanitation, tree planting and nutritional feeding. When the Daughters of Charity assumed the management of the school they had realized that a consolidated effort should be undertaken by a central point. Thus, the Community Extension Service Office (CESO) was envisioned.
Through the School Director, Sis. Stella O. Real, D. C., the idea of having the CESO was brought to the attention of the Board of Trustees on 15 March 1990. The Directress then stressed the need such of office, which will take charge of preparing/planning and implementing programs of the school related to community services in favor of the poor. Meanwhile, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP) is being organized (later, this group became the entry point of the outreach program). Succeeding Board Meetings shed light on such a creation of an office (11 June 1990, August 1991 and 23 June 1992). It was only 11 June 1990 that Msgr. Iniguez gave his blessings and suggested that Sr. Stella take charge with a lay collaborator to assist.
The assistance to the out-reach programs was settled by the SSVP. This group targeted the poor clientele from the neighboring barangays of the parish despite the absence of a functional program. A small office was provided to the group. The office then was located beside the old canteen attached to the yellow house. However, this office has to give way to the demolition of the yellow house after the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo when St. Columban building was constructed. At present, the CESO office is located in the school clinic near the Sewing Room, in the ground of the Voc. Technology building.
On June 1, 1992 the coordinators of the CESO of the Elementary (Mrs. Bundang), High school (Mr. Venzon), and the College (Mrs. Milagroso) department were appointed together with the Head of the Research and Development Center (Mr. Damso). At this time, the SSVP group continuous to be the entry point of the CESO transferring most of their plans to the coordinators, Also, the Head of the RDC with his requested meeting with the coordinators on July 9, 1991, a activity guides are submitted to the Directress for information.
Miss Mamerta Baera, Head of the Center decided to leave on October 16, 1992. In the absence of the Head, Sr. Stella took care of the operation of the office. Two more dedicated coordinators administered the office. The first one was Miss Susan Alegoria (1992-1997). She was characretized by her pioneering spirit in the fields of Skills Training and was able to put up a sewing department for the graduates of sewing class. Then Mrs. Carlota Aquino assumed office in 1997. She was able to support various initiations in promoting Adult Continuing Education.
With the growing number of students enrolled every semester, our college had seen the need to commission a part time coordinator and later a director. He will facilitate the coordination and implementation of community extension service plan by each department and college as studied and approved by the President. This led to the appointment of Mrs. Cita Flores as the coordinator and later the director of the CESO. She asked the intervention of Mr. Aaron Antonio, Director of the CESP, St. Paul College, and Q. C. In the institutionalization of CES programs in line with the school vision of developing students to be community and service oriented individuals. Miss Josefina Marabe (Nov. 2000-June 2001) was employed as social worker an assited Mrs. Flores in the supervision of all the programs of each department. Having replaced Miss Marabe. Mary Ann Sadaba (July 2001-Oct. 2001) continued the existing programs and gave ample time in the development of the adopted communities of the Purok 3 and Purok 7B, Bo. Barreto. Mr. Lorenzo Cailing and Mrs. Desiree Anonat, community workers, have focused on holding meetings and training on community development for the adopted areas in Barrio Baretto. They are also conducting baseline study of Pk. 1, Old Cabalan, and the next community to be adopted.
In the spirit of implementing the College Vision-Mission, The CESO is assisting the programs of each department such as: Exposure and Interaction, Bridge Program for High School Entry, Feeding, Adopt-a Child, Mass wedding, Adult Continuing Education, Assistance to Sped, Children Literacy, Computer Literacy, Electrical Technology, Career Educational Program and others.

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